Masseuse Rota


See which day your favourite massage therapist is working at the Royston spa

massage rota during August 2024

The holiday season is upon us. We have ammended our therapist rota for the next month.

Our masseuses Roxanne and Sophia will be away and return first week in September.

usually four therapists

There are usually four therapists on each day week days.

Three therapists on Saturday and,

Two therapists on Sundays

At present we have eight female masseuses and one male masseur at our spa.

For those of you who would like a four-handed massage with your preferred therapists, see which days our practitioners are working and call 01763 258 002 to book your treatment.

Therapists' Images at the Royston Spa

All photos of our masseuses are genuine images taken by Antonio. The photographs on the website reflect the naturist environment at our Workshop nudist spa.

The only thing your therapist will have on when massaging you, will be relaxing music and a smile.


naked masseuse roxanne


naturist services massage from sophia


Jessica one of oue therapists a the royston spa


spa masseuse cindy


nude massages with maria at the workshop


Scarlett one of our therapists


Our massage therapist Vivienne at the workshop spa


Photos of Lilly coming soon