Swedish Massage


For a gentle relaxing massage

What is a Swedish Massage?

Swedish massage is a massage therapy which was pioneered in the late 19th century by Henrik Linger, he analysed ancient massage techniques and clarified their application, it is primarily used for beauty therapy.

Gentle form of therapy

This treatment is considered a relatively gentle form of therapy compared to Deep Tissue or Sports therapy.

It uses five distinct techniques effleurage, kneading, friction, tapping, and vibration.

It has become one of the most widely used therapeutic techniques throughout the world both for therapeutic purposes as well as for general relaxation and stress relief.

Commonly used massage techniques

The techniques in this type of massage include pressure applied by the hands, percussion-type tapping usually by the sides of the hands and fingers, and kneading applied with the knuckles and the palms of the hands.

Pressure varies according to your needs.

Effleurage is one of the most popular and commonly used massage techniques incorporated into most hands-on body therapies. This technique is used at the beginning of your massage and in between other movements, Kneading, friction, tapping, cupping, and vibration.


Just to add, at the very beginning of your session, our therapist will ground you, this is to try to relax you before he/she starts your treatment.

Grounding: every therapist will have their way of doing this. you can read more on grounding on Antonio's page.

Deep Tissue Massage

Deep Tissue treatments are more to relax tight muscles and help with body circulation.

One of the most common complaints is from being hunched over a computer for hours on end, ending up with an aching upper back.

We have all been there, so absorbed in our task at hand that the hours fly by without realising it we put a lot of strain on our shoulders.

Sports massage

Is more for allocated injuries. In Sports therapy, the therapist will also do stretching of the affects areas to help loosen the muscles.

As the muscles relax, then movement will be greater in the affected area.

A thorough understanding of human body and how it functions is a must in the practice of Sports Massage.